A Short Tutorial on the First Principles of Bookbinding

Shepherds 2020  ISBN 978-0-9541072-4-6

This 16 page instruction manual is supplied in the form of a flat sheet (rolled for postage). By following the straightforward instructions you will learn how to turn this sheet of paper into an instruction manual with a hard cover. In other words you will bind your own textbook!

THE ART OF THE BOOK - Single price £3.00.  See our online version HERE and view our Intoductory VIDEO The Art of the Book Chapter One here.

For complete beginners, this 20 minute introduction to bookbinding has been made to accompany Shepherds' new online tutorial 'The Art of the Book'. Mylyn McColl, an experienced bookbinder and teacher,  gives a hands-on demonstration on how to create your first hand-bound book. Divided into easy to follow stages and using only basic materials and hand tools, this video is the ideal place to start learning this fascinating and rewarding craft.


 Follow this link to CHAPTER TWO, our latest online video and written instructions on how to bind a multi-section cloth journal. 

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